Frequently Asked Questions .

  1. How frequently should my website’s content be updated?
    Your website should ideally be updated as frequently as possible. The SEO rankings you receive benefit from this practice. With the help of other efficient content marketing techniques and keyword relevancy, it enables you to grow web traffic. Additionally, customers anticipate seeing the most recent information when they visit your website. When you fail to update contact information or fail to inform them of new terms and conditions, you betray their trust.
  2. What number of pages does my website need?
    Depending on the requirements of your visitors, you can have as many web pages as you like on your website.
    Businesses typically launch with three to five web pages, such as the home page, the about us page, the products/services page, the contact page, etc. As your business grows and your services are expanded, you can then add more web pages.
    The choice you make in the end will depend on the kind of business you run and what your clients want to know.
    To get started on your web content project right away, request a free proposal!
  3. What should the content of a web page be?
    A content piece should be between 500 and 1000 words long. Before deciding on a final pricing quote, we typically consider the project’s requirements and the subject’s complexity.
  4. When does a website begin to appear in Google search results?
    You won’t notice a noticeable change in your SEO rankings for at least six months or a full year. The primary causes of this are the continuously evolving search engine algorithms and market trends.
    You can relax knowing that we have seasoned SEO experts and website copywriters working for us. Together, they create a content marketing plan that quickly raises your search engine rankings.
  5. Why are metadata valuable?
    Metadata are titles, descriptions, and tags for web pages that give search engines a sneak peek at the content of your website. The relevance of your website is then determined by the search engines by comparing this data with the search query.
    Our copywriters are aware of how crucial this small detail is. For this reason, before beginning your project, we carry out a thorough SEO keyword research and audit. so that we can ensure that our Meta information perfectly matches the search terms used by your customers.
  6. What is the cost of a web copywriting service?
    Whoareyou takes great pride in offering premium content at a competitive price. While most website copywriting services charge over Rs.1000 for a certain amount of words, we frequently deliver the same service for Rs.1000 for a whole page content.
    However, if you want us to include additional content writing services in the order, the final cost might change.
    Wish to learn more? Contact us for more information.
  7. Do I need to hire a specialist to write the content for my website?
    The truth is that visually appealing web designs alone won’t wow your website visitors.
    To keep visitors on your website and encourage them to read your story, you need compelling content. Additionally, if your web copy violates fundamental SEO guidelines, your websites won’t rank well. These are problems that the right expert web content writer can solve with ease. As a result, you avoid wasting the time and effort necessary to correct those content marketing errors.
  8. What do you mean by a website that is custom written?
    The best SEO practices are combined with creativity, relevance, and website content. Many website copywriting services assert to provide it.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.
    By developing web content specifically for you, we go a step further. By doing this, you can make sure that your website doesn’t sound like a carbon copy of another online resource. We develop a distinctive brand voice using your insights to help you connect more deeply with your target audience.
    Do you want to begin the project? Contact us through live chat!
  9. Do you use images in your web content?
    Yes, we can give you images that are free to use on your websites. Additionally, we have skilled graphic designers on staff. If necessary, they can assist you with an additional charge in producing unique logos, info graphics, and illustrations.
  10. What if I dislike the content on the website?
    Not to worry!
    As long as the revisions adhere to your original brief, we grant our customers an unlimited number of revisions. To report the errors, you need only send a feedback query. We will then communicate the revised draught to your web copywriter so that they can send it as soon as possible.
  1. How frequently should my website’s content be updated?
    Your website should ideally be updated as frequently as possible. The SEO rankings you receive benefit from this practice. With the help of other efficient content marketing techniques and keyword relevancy, it enables you to grow web traffic. Additionally, customers anticipate seeing the most recent information when they visit your website. When you fail to update contact information or fail to inform them of new terms and conditions, you betray their trust.
  2. What number of pages does my website need?
    Depending on the requirements of your visitors, you can have as many web pages as you like on your website.
    Businesses typically launch with three to five web pages, such as the home page, the about us page, the products/services page, the contact page, etc. As your business grows and your services are expanded, you can then add more web pages.
    The choice you make in the end will depend on the kind of business you run and what your clients want to know.
    To get started on your web content project right away, request a free proposal!
  3. What should the content of a web page be?
    A content piece should be between 500 and 1000 words long. Before deciding on a final pricing quote, we typically consider the project’s requirements and the subject’s complexity.
  4. When does a website begin to appear in Google search results?
    You won’t notice a noticeable change in your SEO rankings for at least six months or a full year. The primary causes of this are the continuously evolving search engine algorithms and market trends.
    You can relax knowing that we have seasoned SEO experts and website copywriters working for us. Together, they create a content marketing plan that quickly raises your search engine rankings.
  5. Why are metadata valuable?
    Metadata are titles, descriptions, and tags for web pages that give search engines a sneak peek at the content of your website. The relevance of your website is then determined by the search engines by comparing this data with the search query.
    Our copywriters are aware of how crucial this small detail is. For this reason, before beginning your project, we carry out a thorough SEO keyword research and audit. so that we can ensure that our Meta information perfectly matches the search terms used by your customers.
  6. What is the cost of a web copywriting service?
    Whoareyou takes great pride in offering premium content at a competitive price. While most website copywriting services charge over Rs.1000 for a certain amount of words, we frequently deliver the same service for Rs.1000 for a whole page content.
    However, if you want us to include additional content writing services in the order, the final cost might change.
    Wish to learn more? Contact us for more information.
  7. Do I need to hire a specialist to write the content for my website?
    The truth is that visually appealing web designs alone won’t wow your website visitors.
    To keep visitors on your website and encourage them to read your story, you need compelling content. Additionally, if your web copy violates fundamental SEO guidelines, your websites won’t rank well. These are problems that the right expert web content writer can solve with ease. As a result, you avoid wasting the time and effort necessary to correct those content marketing errors.
  8. What do you mean by a website that is custom written?
    The best SEO practices are combined with creativity, relevance, and website content. Many website copywriting services assert to provide it.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.
    By developing web content specifically for you, we go a step further. By doing this, you can make sure that your website doesn’t sound like a carbon copy of another online resource. We develop a distinctive brand voice using your insights to help you connect more deeply with your target audience.
    Do you want to begin the project? Contact us through live chat!
  9. Do you use images in your web content?
    Yes, we can give you images that are free to use on your websites. Additionally, we have skilled graphic designers on staff. If necessary, they can assist you with an additional charge in producing unique logos, info graphics, and illustrations.
  10. What if I dislike the content on the website?
    Not to worry!
    As long as the revisions adhere to your original brief, we grant our customers an unlimited number of revisions. To report the errors, you need only send a feedback query. We will then communicate the revised draught to your web copywriter so that they can send it as soon as possible.